Susulan daripada artikel saya sebelum ini yang mengecam tindakan YB Jeff Ooi, mengatakan politik Islam di Malaysia telah meng'brainwash' persepsi beliau terhadap dunia Islam luar, kali ini YB Jeff terus berusaha menegakkan pendirian beliau dengan terus memberikan respon yang agak biadap kepada pengunjung blog beliau yang ingin menegur.

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Rupa-rupanya, YB Jeff ini tidak boleh orang persoalkan isu PORK dan juga arak yang beliau angkat martabat kedua benda ini begitu tinggi sekali hanya kerna ianya boleh didapati dengan mudah di Abu Dhabi.

Kenapa saya bilang YB Jeff kurang sopan?

1. Kebanyakan respon beliau hanyalah mengulangi ayat yang sama iaitu;

JEFF OOI says: Hence a rude culture shock for me. x1000 times

Cuba bayangkan jika kita cuba untuk menerangkan secara hikmah dan sopan, jawapan yang diberi sama dan stereotaip, seolah-olah tidak ingin layan, atau seperti mengatakan 'talk to the hands' sahaja. Tentu menyirap juga rasa marah walau niat asal murni untuk tegur!

2. Lihat sahaja respon yang lebih panjang daripada beliau terhadap seorang pemberi komen ini.

ermmm repeating this sentence "JEFF OOI says: Hence a rude culture shock for me." does not clean your veil motive when at the same time you posted "Suddenly, just like the zen experience of catharsis ( Κάθαρσις ) and satori ( ), I realised how much I had been brain-washed all along by political Islam back home"

Im sorry, but this time your post is bordering on insulting at least to strict muslims

JEFF OOI says: You sounded like an authoritarian chieftain in the history books. But this place is THINKING ALLOWED, THINKING ALOUD. You have come to he wrong place, my friend. I am still saying I had a rude culture shock and I don't give a damn whether you agreed with me. That's the cathartic experience that hadn't dawned on you. I hope you travel out of your cocoon. If you had and find yourself still comfortable with yourself that's fine by me as we are all free in the mind.

But, frankly by the same token, what you said can be seen as equally insulting to the leaders and people of UAE and Abu Dhabi on how they want to govern their belief system

dan yang ini....

..........I turn back his comments on living in a cocoon... I believe jeff, that the more you travel the more you see differences in culture and the more you appreciate unique cultural practices in each country etc... Thus being more tolerant to cultural differences be it right or wrong in your opinion....

You are free to comment on what you think... At least write it in a way that does not border on insulting or telling Muslims in Malaysia how to act or live... "respect is both ways"...

JEFF OOI says: By my personal observation -- and this is what a blog like mine is all about -- Muslims in the UAE practise the form and substance of their religion so starkly different from Malaysia's. By the same token, let not Malaysians of all creeds "insult" Muslims outside Malaysia -- and those geographically nearer to the Holyland -- who live to practise their faith differently from Political Islam in Malaysia.

The people there told me there is ONE Islam that is primarily based on the Quran and the Hadith. They don't see how the existence of political Islam ala Malaysia may sway their faith. That's the statement they had made, as can been seen (cross-checked) through their governance model over non-Muslims and global investors and travellers, and the syariah system in all trades of their business/official and private lives.

I leave it to you if you decided to cocoon yourself and deny a living world of Islam in the UAE but I have just decided to stop shutting my mind to the rude culture shock that I was dealt with while visiting UAE in the last few days. I will certainly go back there again to learn more, particularly about how a "liberally progressive" Malaysia can emerge as the old race-based regime goes down in this country's history.

Rakan Blog lain:

OreKelate: Rajing dengar Cat Steven dok? Dio kato dio masuk Isley buke sebab tengok ore-ore Isley, tapi sebab tengok Isley tu sediri... Jeff Ooi ni terkejut beruk tengok ore Isley dale dunio ni tok serupo, tu belum dio tahu Isley ni ado mace-mace mazhab...